Subvert the Algorithm


Subvert the Algorithm


I will not give all my data to the big four tech companies.

  • Tags:
  • data
  • privacy

Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google are the four tech monoliths. They dominate the tech space from hardware to software. Your data is extremely valuable to them, because the more they know about you the better they can target you to use their products. It's often hard to stray from these companies as they control many products you may enjoy using. If it is possible to use an alternative, it is strongly recommended.

Perhaps when giving your data consider what is really necessary to share with the company, and ultimately the world. By default these companies will attempt to collect as much data about you as possible. However, by just digging through their settings a bit you can reduce the data that you share with them. For example, Google offers a MyAccount section for you to manage the way they track your usage.

Why not use false details where your real ones aren't important?

Subvert the algorithm, lie to the big four tech companies.