Subvert the Algorithm


Subvert the Algorithm


I will not believe everything I read online.

  • Tags:
  • confirmation bias
  • information

The world wide web is a convoluted and polluted repository of information that when traversed properly proves to be a gold mine of information. But for all factual information on the internet, there are a myriad of opposing view points, opinions and 'facts'. It is often hard to determine what is fact from fiction on the internet. The best way to discern what is right from wrong is to source your information from multiple areas, from credible sources (if possible). Reading research papers and scientific journals prove to be great resources - these can be found through

It's also important to remember that the internet is free space. People can post their opinions quite easily without the need for approval or credibility. Sites like Wikipedia help combat this by crowdsourcing information and allowing users to contribute and edit information. Wikipedia heavily relies on its community of contributors to constantly be fact checking each other - which is part of the reason why it is such a good resource.

Algorithms try to curate content and often will have a weighted bias towards credible sources (often determined by the amount of links pointing to that result). This is often not enough.

Subvert the algorithm, be the discerner of your own knowledge.