Subvert the Algorithm


Subvert the Algorithm


I will separate myself and others from their digital counterparts.

  • Tags:
  • privacy
  • information
  • data

There seems to be a psychological phenomena that goes on when you're in a virtual argument with some stranger across the world. The detachment from the physical world paired with the adrenaline released from thousands of years of evolution leads to actions of a macho, bravado and often non-characteristic nature. Be aware that the people on the other side are people too, and take each comment, critique, review or status with a grain of salt. Because, while people think social media gives you a peep hole into the lives of others, it really is only a curated and considered representation.

Due to the traffic that is often built up on social media chains where arguments live, algorithms will serve this content due to its 'high engagement'.

Subvert the algorithm, remember that online arguments are detached and miscalculated.