Subvert the Algorithm


Subvert the Algorithm


I will be careful what I click in my Instagram explore feed to avoid over curation.

  • Tags:
  • data
  • convenience

One wrong click on Instagram's explore feed and you'll be served similar content for the next millennia. No Instagram, I don't want to see "25 Buzzfeed hacks that will change your life!!!" every time I open my explore page.

The reason this is happening is due to the way the explore page's algorithm works. Firstly, it will never show you the same content twice when you refresh - to keep you in the app for longer. It will then, based on your clicks, likes and follows, show content that it thinks you are interested in - again to keep you in the app for longer.

Clicking on a post in the explore feed is like a game of minesweeper, except you get no hints. It's a wild ride, you never know what you're going to get next.

Subvert the algorithm, dodge those digital mines.